The International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE) isa High Impact Factor, Open Access, International, Monthly, Peer-Reviewed journal. The journal aims at promoting innovative research in various disciplines of Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation, Control Engineering and Computer Science Engineering & applications. IJAREEIE invites authors to submit original and unpublished work in terms of written reviews, short communications and notes dealing with numerous disciplines that communicates current research.
Highlights of IJAREEIE
- Impact Factor : 8.807
- 6700+ Citations
- 12+ Years of existence
- 11000+ articles published
- 22+ Conference issues
- Simple and easy submission & publication
- Digitally Signed E-Certificates
- CrossRef DOI for each Article
Our Services to Authors
- Simple and easy article submission
- Quick response after submission of article
- Fast Track Review & Publication within 12 to 24 hours
- Digitally Signed E-Certificates
- Low processing charges to encourage researchers
- Maximum of 6 Authors are permitted per article
- Free open access journal
- Unique DOI for each article by CrossRef
- Article can be submitted by authors any day, any time
- Pay processing charges through Google Pay / Phone Pe / Paytm/ Net Banking
- Authors query or problem resolving Monday to Sunday [8AM to 9PM]
- Telephonic guidance or support to write or publish a article
- Whatsapp Support @ +91-6381907438
Frequency |
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12 Issues per Year |
ISSN (Online) |
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2278-8875 |
ISSN (Print) |
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2320-3765 |
Subject Category |
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Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation & Control |

Disclaimer :
Prospective authors should note that only original and previously unpublished research papers will be considered. Furthermore, simultaneous submissions (under consideration for publication elsewhere) are not acceptable. Submission of a manuscript is interpreted as a statement of certification that no part of the manuscript is copyrighted by any other publication nor is under review by any other formal publication. It is the primary responsibility of the author to obtain proper permission for the use of any copyrighted materials in the manuscript, prior to the submission of the manuscript to IJAREEIE.