• ISSN (Online): 2278 - 8875
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  • ISSN (Print): 2320 - 3765
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
|ISSN Approved Journal | Impact factor: 8.514 | ESTD: 2012| Follows UGC CARE Journal
Norms and Guidelines|
|Monthly, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Scholarly, Multidisciplinary and Open Access Journal|Impact factor 8.514 (Calculated by Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar| AI-Powered Research Tool| Indexing in all Major Database & Metadata, Citation Generator |Digital Object Identifier (DOI)|

Recent News

Call for Papers

Vol. 14, Issue 1, Jan 2025

Submission : 31st Dec 2025 
Notification : 24 hours
Publication : 24 hours
E-Certificates : Immediate


Vision & Mision

The vision of IJAREEIE is is to provide an academic medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high-level learning, teaching and research in the fields of Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation. Original research work, theoretical work, application-based studies, which contribute to a better understanding of Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation, are encouraged.

The mission of IJAREEIE is to provide the worldwide community with a platform for the latest research and advancements in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation fields. IJAREEIE focuses on interdisciplinary techniques and state-of-the-art research among various disciplines related to the different fields.